"Never let anyone treat you like toast when you're pan dulce."


Hi, I am Daf!

I am a bilingual lifestyle photographer based in Omaha, Nebraska!

Born and raised in Mexico, memories became a part of my life very early on. Moving made my desire to remember everything and anything that happened around me so much more important. So, picking up the camera just made sense and felt so natural.

Kamrin Baker Creative

Mi familia!

My husband Jake and I by Kassondra Photography

Part-time photographer, my journey has been stop and go for the last 8 years. I fell in love with capturing the moment after going through a hard spring in 2015. Since then, taking photos has just taken a space in which I find happiness and peace.

I run on coffee and local breweries! A perfect Friday night would be a movie (preferably Star Wars or Harry Potter) and a perfect Saturday night would be a local brewery or a place to dance with my friends.

My passion is striking colors and the perfect balance of light and shadows with a hint of vintage film. I love smiles and adventures. Let's just say I'm not afraid of anything (I've jumped out of a plane twice on the same day). Click the button below to contact me and let's make some memories!